Why Do We Do the Work?
Remove barriers, provide tools, build networks, create conversations, communicate with the community and health systems.
CTRU Talking Circles - Coming together for Racial Understanding: Facing Racism in a Diverse Nation
Why Dialogue
- Includes many voices
- Builds relationships and trust
- Opportunity to dispel stereotypes
- Supports community-building capacity
- Builds civic and social capital
- Focus in intersection of racial equity and public issues
- Small groups (10 – 12) with 2 trained facilitators
- Discuss all points of view
- Diverse group from all backgrounds
- Dialogue leads to Action (collective, institutional & Policy impact, individual change) leads to community change
- Dialogue is NOT – conflict resolution or mediation, a focus group, a town meeting, public hearing, facilitated meeting with a predetermined outcome
- 4 – 6 sessions (dependent on virtual or in-person) held weekly
- 2-hour sessions per week
- Diverse facilitators